Saturday 30 October 2010

Autumn Morning

Early morning the day is nice and crisp with no frost. With the sun shining the trees around my garden looked particularly nice this autumn morning.

 I took this zoom shot of the moon before it went to bed for the day

Eva came to visit when Gaz and Etta went to look at a car. They dropped her off so she could play a while in our garden

Our next door neighbour has some apple trees and the apples look really nice. Mmmmmm apple pie. Think I may go scrumming tonight


Chris Rees said...

That's one hell of an impressive zoom... love the moon shot. I can't get that close to it with my current glass collection!

Unknown said...

Wow Dave, that moon shot is awesome. I can see your already having some fun with your new toy. Keep it up.

Elle said...

Loving that moon shot Dave! I'm a newie to photography also and loving it! :-)